Brought to you by the amazing artist Zach Fischer Illustration ! Cosplay your way, no matter what anyone else says! You want to make an armored version, sexy version, punk, kawaii, goth or whatever version of a character you can imagine wether it's canon or not then do it! No one has the right to tell you how to cosplay or how to show love for your favorite characters and fandoms. Even if you don't know much about a character and just love their design, or want to cosplay in a group or with a friend that's ok too. You don't have to be an expert or know everything about the characters you cosplay. You also don't need to be the same race, body type or gender as the characters you cosplay either. Cosplay who you want, how you want and as long as you are having fun then you are doing it right. If you find yourself comparing yourself, your cosplays or your success to others then you are not doing it for the right reasons. Unless you are in a costume contest this is not a competition. There is success in all avenues of cosplay if that's what you wish to do. Only you can hold yourself back by worrying about what and how others cosplay. So again, cosplay is dress up fun, it's not to be taken seriously, we don't have room for elitists, perverts or overly sensitive and judgemental people. Please leave the negativity and drama out of cosplay and just have fun, it's not that hard lol. Anyways just wanted to add my 2 cents to a few things I've seen lately and have experienced myself as well. Love you all! sexy long dresses