I shouldn't have to write this but I'm sick and tired of seeing people post bullshit from fake ideological news sites. They're often filled with outrageous crap that's designed to convinced the gullible of some B.S. story. And most of these stories are designed to get hyper partisans enraged. They usually spin some idiotic shit about a public figure.
Here's the deal. There's a rumor going around on right wing fake news websites that recently deceased Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington was actually the illegitimate son of Democratic operative John Podesta. Podesta is a longtime political insider and was one of Hillary Clinton's top people. It gets worse.
Pennington's death has been ruled a likely suicide. He had a tragic life. As a child, he was a victim of sex abuse. He began using drugs at the age of 11. That's messed up.
So, one of the spins on this rumor was that Podesta (who has also had to deal with fake news that claimed was a pedophile) had Bennington killed because Bennington was about to expose that Podesta was his father.
Bennington, was born and brought up in Phoenix. His parents got divorced when he was young and he went to live with his father. THIS PART IS IMPORTANT: He was born in March of 1976. In that same time period, John Podesta was a third year law student across the country at Georgetown University.
Podesta, himself, was already the victim of the false Pizzagate story here in DC, where right wing maniac Alex Jones pushed the story that a child sex abuse right was - led by Podesta - was run out of a pizza place run by a Hillary Clinton supporter. There was no real evidence. Just fake news stories on right wing websites designed to enrage right wing types. That story almost had a tragedy: a gun toting jackwagon drove up to DC from NC to investigate the story himself, went into the pizza place, and accidentally shot the gun off. When that happened, I saw conspiracy theorists then try to say that the guy from NC was probably some sort of Democratic plant. items that not expensive to wear for the maid of the brides
On the thread that I saw this on, the poster, says he's going to look into this further. Many of his followers - and he's established quite a following - are already at least partially convinced it's true. Their comments clearly show that. They pretty much now are leaning to believe that "pedophile" John Podesta had his "illegitimate son" Chester Bennington "murdered" to cover up the illegitimacy. The reality is that IT'S A F*CKING FAKE STORY.
I did a google search and found that the story may have originated on a known fake news site YourNewsWire dot come. It's fake as hell. The software that they use for the wordpress blog is the same that I've used for a business blog that I've run for years. All someone has to do build something that looks legit, start creating fake stories, feed it to certain forums, spread it around and start to get followers.
Then the lies go viral. This is the REAL fake news.
In writing this, I have no affection for Podesta. Or any party or ideology.
I write this with a heavy heart. I won't point out who posted it because he's a real great guy overall and I care about him.