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Hi guys. I need you guys to remember what we're actually here for! To quit cigarettes and have a healthy alternative to ingesting nicotine into our systems! Please remember although it's fancy to have a vaporizer alternative instead of the traditional cigarette there's a lot of information you still need to be informed about for example does anyone know how many milligrams of nicotine is in a traditional cigarette? Off of that information you should be able to judge whether ... you need a 1.5 mg nicotine, level 3 mg nicotine level, And so on and so forth remember if you're dealing with a harsh throat hit and you don't like it you need to adjust your nicotine level. also be sure that you know what you're doing with the RDAs make sure you're reading your omhs correctly. And building Safely, And don't blow anything up! Lol this is a little information about how much nicotine is in a traditional cigarette please use this information to choose your nicotine level in your juices wisely if you still feel the need for a cigarette it is because your milligram level is not high enough please adjust to suit your body! don't give into traditional cigarettes! If you need any additional info help or anything at all don't be afraid to reach out to anyone of your admins of your page! Your admins are Dave Basdeo and Zack Mangru grandmother of the bride dresses

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How Much Nicotine Is In One Cigarette? How much nicotine is in one cigarette? If you are addicted to nicotine there is a lot that you need to