: T O N I T E . . . C R E E P S : DECADES PARTY - ABBA SPECIAL!… We’ll bring the Golden Dancing Queen Props & Gold Edition Creeps Merch Dip… 10PM : 60s & 70s… 11PM : AN HOUR OF ABBA… 12AM : 80s… 01AM : 90s… 02AM : 00s & NOW!… Hip-Hop Sessions on The Ground Floor… Medicine Bar open from 10PM… Shots from £1.00… Selected Bottles £1.50… Large Vodka £2.00… Creeps Cocktails £2.50… House Cocktails £2.00... £6.00 / 5.00 Valid Student ID... Then we Creep till 3AM... 18+… No Scrubs... Let us know Decades / ABBA Request Lists… gold selections for cocktail party