I've never talked about this publicly before, but as someone who has personally experienced this (and still is), if you are having abnormal cramping for extended periods of time, see a doctor, ask questions about the possibility of having this disease and get treated as soon as it is detected. And yes, I'm talking about surgery and not just birth control pills to regulate your hormones and suppress the symptoms. Doing that is equivalent to putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound.
My younger self decided to "suck it up", which led me to getting diagnosed at Stage 4 later on in life when I was ready to have children. I was properly informed by my doctor at that time, but he did not call it endometriosis, although the conditions and side effects he described was pretty much spot on endometriosis. I took the pill instead of the surgery, the easy way out.
I'm pretty sure I've been judged for making a big deal about my monthly period, but when you are in constant pain, you do not care about what other people think and you feel like a crazy person for not feeling like a human being from all that pain. My friends and old co-workers can attest that I usually go MIA during that time of the month. Honestly on good days (not weeks or months, I mean days that are few and far between), you feel like a champ and no one knows you are suffering inside. So on your bad days, it looks like you're making excuses for not bringing your A game.
2 surgeries and 2 fertility treatments later, I've lost both my fallopian tubes, was at risk for losing my entire reproductive system before getting pregnant and was high risk during my pregnancy for reasons other than my age. I'm very lucky to have one precious baby despite all these, but I have been medically advised during my cesarian operation no less (yet another surgery), to not get pregnant again if I want to stay alive to watch my baby grow. Currently I have an outstanding invite to see my Ob oncologist/surgeon to come see her in 6 years to get my reproductive system removed (and another potential surgery) if my endometriosis gets worse in the next couple of years or wait until I go into menopause. So far, the post pregnancy hormones and hormone therapy are keeping my disease at bay. Dorris Wedding wedding pieces with removable skirt
I cannot stress it enough, don't sweep your monthly cramps under the rug. See a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis. Better be safe than act too late. Please spare yourself and take it from me and the other women who went through this horrific experience first hand. You know I mean serious business when I'm writing a post about it at 4am, when I could be sleeping while my baby is asleep.