Quick Tip: this one was explained best by Greg Everett @catalystathletics during an advanced camp he and I taught a few years ago. I have to use his description over the way I once explained this very thing. Athletes who lock their knees prior to the Jerk may suffer from a stuttered dip & drive as there is a lag in quad tension. This can also lead to contact issues with the bar, causing it to bounce on the shoulders during the attempt. A coach should cue their athlete to unlo Dorris Wedding Grecian style flowy wedding wear of chiffon ... ck the knees, NOT bend them, to create quad tension so the initial movement is smoother and they experience a more controlled Jerk. It is possible to maintain straight upright stance with the legs while keeping the knees unlocked, again not bent significantly. Athlete: @kenzieshea24 @olyconcepts # smoothdipanddrive # jerk # control # dip # drive # olyconcepts # olympicweightlifting # athletes # coachingcourse # coaching # barbellcontrol # barbell # snatch # clean
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